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James Matthews

TSUG Executive Committee Member, President (Technology)

James Matthews serves as the TSUG Committee President and has been a committee member since 2007. He participates on the Student, Finance, and Technology SubCommittees by reviewing Product Ideas, communicating with Skyward development teams, and supporting the annual TSUG conference through planning and teaching sessions. The committee unanimously voted for James to serve as TSUG President starting in 2021.

James is currently employed as the Director of Information Systems for Whitehouse ISD.

James’ experience with Skyward began in 2006 when the product was still in PaC and has transitioned through Web, SMS 2.0, and Qmlativ. He is passionate about all things school software, including applications outside Skyward and even writing his own. James enjoys networking with users from other districts to learn new processes/solutions, software troubleshooting, streamlining district processes, and sharing feedback from past experiences.

So, if you have a solution, question, or issue related to any application used in K12 or want to say hi, don’t hesitate to email him.
